The Trentham Sportsground Pavilion Redevelopment Project is now complete, with the facility officially opened on 20 April 2023 by The Hon Mary-Anne Thomas MP.
The new facilities are a fantastic asset for the area and the Trentham community, along with current and future netballers, footballers and cricketers.
Thank you to the representatives from the Committee of Management, along with each of the sporting clubs and state sporting associations that participated. Special thanks to the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA), and Sport and Recreation Victoria - Grampians, for their support throughout.
With over $2.5 million invested, this Project has been delivered by Hepburn Shire Council in partnership with the Victorian Government.
The redevelopment of the Trentham Sportsground Pavilion will be a welcoming and inclusive community facility that through contemporary universal access, gender equity and family-friendly design, will improve sports club use and broader multi-purpose community meeting space needs.
The sportsground supports the function of junior and senior, male and female football, cricket and netball, as well as providing a venue for large community and private events. The project will improve the internal lay-out of the pavilion to better accommodate club operations, match day experience and hiring of the pavilion for broader community activities and events. Importantly it will also provide gender equitable changerooms.
In developing the concept schematic design Council worked with a design architect and users of the sportsground. The schematic design has the endorsement of user groups, Council and potential Victorian State Government funding partners. The design complies with AFL Victoria and Cricket Victoria facility guidelines for a local club level facility.
Sport and Recreation Victoria has committed $2.062 million towards the project as part of the Community Sport Infrastructure Stimulus Program. Council has committed $413,000.

Artists impression
Progress Update - February 2023
The final touches are being applied to the Trentham Sportsground Pavilion in readiness for project completion, which is now anticipated to be in late March/early April.
All internal works will be completed in the coming weeks and the landscaping will commence in March.
We are looking forward to finishing the Pavilion and will continue to work in partnership with user groups as we work towards completion.
Progress Update - January 2023
Works have recommenced on the Trentham Sportsground Pavilion, following the Christmas break. Most of the vinyl flooring has been laid and the timber floorboards are due to arrive in the next two weeks. The electrical fit-out is now underway and should be complete by mid-February. Externally, the concrete veranda slab has been installed along with the access ramp and front steps.
Subject to the water main upgrade along Falls Road and the connection into the Reserve, the facility is anticipated for completion in early 2023.
Progress Update - December 2022
The pavilion redevelopment is approaching the final stages of construction with plastering and internal door installation now completed and painting well progressed. Floor coverings and internal fit-out is to commence shortly. Factoring in the Christmas and New Year close-down period, construction is on track for a February 2023 completion.
Progress Update - October 2022
The Pavilion is really taking shape with external brickwork and cladding now complete and internal plastering and services installation underway. The next stages of the redevelopment include the installation of the concrete veranda installation and other civil works.
Due to unforeseen delays, the project completion has been pushed back to early 2023.
Progress Update - September 2022
Current progress on the Trentham Pavilion includes completion of the roofing works and the installation of windows. The windows to the existing social space have been increased to floor level, allowing more light to flood-into the space and improve the view to the oval. Brickwork and plastering will commence soon, followed by civil works and decking of the veranda.
Progress Update - August 2022
Construction is progressing nicely, with roofing works near-complete, unifying the new structure with the old.
Electrics and plumbing are ready-to-site and internal wall frames built.
The next stage will include external cladding, installation of windows and doors, internal services rough-in and construction of the front veranda to get us to lock-up stage.
The Pavilion is now looking to re-open late November.
Progress Update - June 2022
Construction is on track with works to be completed later this year.
Sections of the steel frame are now in place and the framework for the external veranda will soon be installed to bring the structure together.
A delay with coordinating works with PowerCor has lead to the expected completion date being extended to the end of October 2022.
Temporary facilities have been installed for the football and netball seasons and will remain so while the project is underway.
Progress Update - February 2021
Council awarded a contract for the redevelopment of the Trentham Sportsground Reserve Pavilion to Ballarat-based company 4Front Construction. Construction works began in December 2021 and were completed in April 2023.
Thank you to the user groups and community members who assisted throughout the project, especially the Trentham Sportsground's Committee of Management.
The Pavilion will accommodate sports club use and broader community functions and events. It has universal access, a family-friendly design and gender neutral changerooms.
Users and visitors to the new Pavilion will find:
- Female-friendly player and umpire change rooms with connected amenities
- A multipurpose function room with retractable room dividers
- Administration, small meeting and first aid space
- An upgraded kitchen, canteen and bar facilities
- Upgraded internal amenities with new external public facilities with a baby change table
- Furniture and equipment storage space
- Outdoor spectator areas
The Trentham Sports Ground Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment Project was developed by Council in partnership with the Victorian Government.
Contact Us
Should you have questions or just want to learn more about this project, contact our Project Manager:
Name | Elizabeth Atkin |
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