Hepburn Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information requested on this feedback form is being collected by Hepburn Shire

Council for the purpose of reviewing Governance Policies or any other directly related purpose. Any personal information collected will be disclosed to Hepburn Shire Council.

The feedback forms are anonymous, we are not collecting names or contact information, by submitting feedback through this online engagement process you are consenting to the release of this information. All anonymous feedback submitted through this process will be published online during the consultation process. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied to Hepburn Shire Council, please contact Council via telephone 03 53482306 or shire@hepburn.vic.gov.au

More information is available on Council’s website or from Council’s Privacy Officer (Manager Risk and Governance). Individuals may view Council’s Privacy Policy on Council’s website or obtain a copy from any Council office.