Project overview

Council is committed to improving the Shire’s liveability as well as understanding, protecting and enhancing the values and character of the whole Shire: including its townships and rural areas.

To do this, it has launched Future Hepburn, a once-in-a-generation suite of major strategic projects.

Future Hepburn consists of several projects including (but not limited to):

We’ve heard from the community that it’s important to protect Hepburn Shire’s rural lifestyle, the look and feel of our townships, environment, heritage and productive farming land. Future Hepburn projects will guide future growth and appropriate development by protecting what we value and improving liveability as we look towards 2050.

Will my property be affected?

Important: Both the draft Rural Hepburn strategy and the township structure plans contain a number of proposed changes.

Rural Hepburn includes proposed planning changes to most rural areas. These are included in the Rural Hepburn project page.

Township Structure Plans includes:

  • Proposed zoning and overlay changes for Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford and Hepburn Springs, Glenlyon and Trentham. A list of those streets affected have been collated and provided in the Future Hepburn: Technical Reports and Supporting Documents page.
  • Nominated 500m investigation areas surrounding our current transfer stations and past landfill sites. Residents who live around these sites can find more out more information about this proposal by accessing the 'Investigation Areas - Buffer Area Overlay letter to residents 08 May 2024' and the 'Separation Distances Assessments' for their individual townships provided in the Future Hepburn: Technical Reports and Supporting Documents page.

Our community is strongly encouraged to review the draft documents and browse the Future Hepburn Technical Studies and Reports by click on the page buttons further down this page.

Next Steps

Thank you to the hundreds of community members across the Shire who have engaged with us on the draft Rural Hepburn strategy and township structure plans. We are working through the feedback shared with us and will be working with Councillors over the coming months to finalise these strategic documents.

Future Hepburn projects

Learn more and make a submission by clicking on the project buttons below. Submission forms are available on specific township structure plans and the Rural Hepburn project pages. Look for the red buttons.

Draft Township Structure Plans and Rural Hepburn webinar

We encourage you to register for Council's e-newsletter Hepburn Life to receive updates on these activities.