Have your say

These draft masterplans have sought to identify and address gaps in infrastructure requirements; improve accessibility and safety; and increase participation, visitation and reserve connection opportunities for the local community.

The proposed recommended actions of the Queens Park draft masterplan and Pioneer Park draft masterplan are to be implemented in a staged approach, subject to achieving funding.

Council does not have money allocated in the current budget, nor set aside in the Long-Term Financial Plan for the implementation of these recommendations. Any future works would need to be considered with other Council priorities and expenditure.

Before completing the survey below please read the:

Queens Park - draft masterplan

Pioneer Park - draft masterplan.

Submissions will close at 5pm on Friday 22 September 2023.

The survey below covers both the Queens Park and Pioneer Park draft masterplans. We invite you to have a say on one or both.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the draft masterplan. Your input is highly appreciated, and it will assist us in refining the masterplan to better serve the intended objectives and stakeholders.

Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information requested on this Draft Queens Park and Pioneer Park Masterplan survey is being collected for the purpose of development of the masterplan or any other directly related purpose. It will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied, please contact Council via telephone (03) 5321 2306 or email governance@hepburn.vic.gov.au.

More information is available on our website or from Council’s Privacy Officer (Manager Governance and Risk).