Project update

The Queens Park and Pioneer Park Masterplans have been formally adopted at the 19 March Council Meeting. The minutes of the Council Meeting are available via this link Agendas and minutes.

The masterplans aim to identify and address gaps in infrastructure requirements; improve accessibility and safety environments; increase participation, visitation and reserve connection opportunities for the local community.

The Queens Park and Pioneer Park masterplans

Queens Park has 33 recommended actions including improving paths for pedestrians, protecting the trees and public toilets to be located near the playground.

Council has a pending grant application through the Victorian Government’s Tiny Towns Grant Program to install a shade structure over the Queens Park playspace – a priority project coming from the community feedback on the development of the Queens Park Masterplan.

Fingers crossed – funding outcomes will be provided through Council socials and media networks.

Pioneer Park has 18 recommended actions including making improvements to car parking and skating facilities, introducing signage, shelters and seating. The skate park will remain at the site.

Read the Queens and Pioneer Parks Masterplans for more information.

Next steps

The proposed recommended actions of the Queens Park and Pioneer Park masterplans are to be implemented in a staged approach, subject to funding with further scoping work required to be undertaken as part of the Masterplan implementation. This work would identify the associated detailed design and capital costs which would need to be further considered by Council at the appropriate time. As part of this process Council would actively seek funding opportunities from external partners.

Council does not have money allocated in the current budget, nor set aside in the Long-Term Financial Plan for the implementation of these recommendations. Any future works would need to be considered with other Council priorities and expenditure.

Thank you for your input

Thank you to everyone in the community who provided input to inform the masterplans. Your input was highly appreciated in assisting us in refining the masterplans to better serve the intended objectives and stakeholders.

The Clunes Recreation Provision Feasibility Project Update June 2024

  • The Clunes Recreation Provision Feasibility Advisory Group has been established to provide advice on further developing the draft Clunes Recreation Reserve (Bull Milgate) Reserve Masterplan and possible consolidation of sports and recreation provision to a new (greenfield) site.

The Project Advisory Group will:

    • Continue to further investigate and consider an option analysis between a possible consolidation of sports and recreation provision to a new (greenfield) site and the existing Clunes Recreation (Bull Milgate) Reserve site.
    • Determine how might we provide quality infrastructure that promotes community connection and active participation in Clunes.
  • The Clunes Recreation Reserve Project Advisory Group (PAG) continue to meet regularly with a consultant recently engaged to undertake a detailed feasibility and business case to inform further discussion and decision-making on the future provision of sport and recreation in Clunes.
  • Investigation has included confirming the scope on what sport and recreational elements need to be considered on a potential greenfield site.
  • Discussion and exploration of a number of potential greenfield sites has occurred, which have been prioritised down to four sites which are a mixture of DEECA and Council owned land.
  • An exercise has been undertaken with the PAG to determine what sport and recreational elements can fit on the four potential greenfield sites
  • The consultant has also undertaken some preliminary analysis and research based on a set of criteria which has been discussed and used to assist with working with the PAG to determine a preferred site/s.
  • Currently options are being considered to seek the PAG's advice to confirm a recommended preferred site/s.
  • The next step is that PAG members will continue to work with the consultant in working up a concept plan/s on preferred site/s and revisiting the Clunes Recreation Reserve (Bull Milgate Reserve) and the Reserve’s opportunities to further develop the working draft Masterplan.
  • Once the PAG is in a position to make a final recommendation to Council, this will need to be considered by Council including consideration of broader community engagement.

Next steps

Clunes Recreation Reserve draft masterplan

The Clunes Recreation Provision Feasibility Project Advisory Group will continue to work with officers to undertake further planning on the future provision of sport and recreation in Clunes.

Further information

The masterplans have been informed by the following document:

  • Recreation & Open Space Strategy 2016 – 2021
  • Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011 Part 1
  • Walking and Cycling Strategy 2011 Part 2
  • Active Women & Girls Strategy
  • PlaySpace Strategy 2020-2030
  • Hepburn Heritage Strategy 202-2030
  • Fertile ground: Hepburn Shire Economic Development Strategy 2016-2021
  • Hepburn Shire Council Youth Strategy 2016-2021
  • Hepburn Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2017 – 2021

There are also several sport specific strategies/ guidelines that are relevant to the development of the Clunes Recreation Reserve (Bull Milgate Reserve) Masterplan.

  • Victorian Cricket Infrastructure Strategy 2018-2028
  • AFL Goldfields Strategy 2017
  • AFL Victoria ‘Growing the Heartland’ Football Facilities Development Strategy 2014-2020
  • AFL Preferred Facility Guidelines
  • Netball Victoria Statewide Facilities Strategy 2019-2022
  • Netball Australia’s National Facilities Policy