Renamed The Mechanics Trentham

Following a month-long community poll and consideration by the Project Advisory Group, Council resolved to name the Trentham Community Hub to 'The Mechanics Trentham' at the October 2023 Council meeting. Over 200 submissions were received in the community poll that considered the options of:

  1. Mechanics at Trentham
  2. Trentham and Districts Community Centre
  3. Submit your own idea

Over 50% off submissions were in favour of a version of the facility name with the term 'mechanics' incorporated.

Project update – February 2024

The construction progress has been steady and uninterrupted over recent months. The building has reached a significant milestone of being “locked up”. This has enabled internal works to be ramped up. This includes plaster sheeting and ceiling installation.

All external cladding has been competed and the painters are taking advantage of the recent fine weather. Over the next month, the carpark works will become a focus. This will enable the site facilities to be relocated to the asphalt surface and preparation works to commence for the landscaping.

Construction is expected to be completed in April, with doors opening to the public a few weeks later. Planning is underway for a community event to celebrate the new facility so be sure to stay tuned for the details.


The Trentham Community Hub will be a significant addition to the Coliban Ward community, incorporating elements of the original Trentham Mechanics Institute alongside new modern facilities.

The Hub, located at 66 High Street in Trentham, will include a new Community Library, Visitor Information Centre, Council Customer Service Counter, meeting rooms, and multi-functional Community Hall.

A Project Advisory Group (PAG), made up of community members, is in place to help achieve community needs, as well as facilitate engagement with the broader community on the project. Council is extremely grateful for their contribution.

Council committed funding to the design of the project, and conducted community consultation on a draft design. External funding for the construction stage of the project was granted by the State Government and the Ballarat-based company S.J. Weir is constructing the facility.

It is estimated that the new Trentham Community Hub will be completed in early 2024.

Design - Animation Video

Project Update - June 2023

The reframing of the deteriorated north and south walls of the Mechanics Institute Hall is complete and the window and door openings in the brickwork of west wall is complete. Steel sub-floor framing of the new section of the facility has commenced, giving the community a great sense of the overall building size.

Extremely variable soil conditions along the western boundary of the site have delayed the carpark works. A new retaining solution for this boundary has been engineered and will be scheduled for construction.

The project remains on track to be delivered in early 2024.

Project Update - March 2023

Sub-surface works have commenced on the car park, with the area excavated to the future pavement level. Stormwater drainage pipes and pits have been installed. Underground electrical infrastructure will soon follow to allow for car park lighting and an electrical vehicle charging station. The car park works have been brought forward to make the most of the warmer weather. The Hub is still on track to be completed early next year.

Project Update - December 2022

The next steps for the project are:

  • Relocation of the site facilities to the High Street end of the site in December/January. This will allow for works to begin on the new carpark to make the most of the warmer weather.
  • The carpark asphalt will be laid later in the project.
  • Construction of the retaining walls on the western boundary.
  • Preparation of the enclosure for the back-up generator. Fabrication of the remaining screw piles and structural steel.

Project Update - September 2022

Recent works include the construction of concrete masonry to support the undercroft storage space and blockwork retaining walls over footings at the northern end of the facility. This rear entrance to the Hub will have steps leading to the car park area and will be intertwined with mobility ramps and planter boxes. As well, the existing window openings in the old hall have been enlarged along the western wall to allow for more light to penetrate into what will become the new library space.

Project Update - June 2022

Works have commenced on site with trees removed, demolition of the old shedding to the rear of the existing building and the sewer realignment complete.

The contractor has established the site compound with some site levelling, perimeter fencing and the installation of a site office and worker facilities.

Primary demolition of the brick additions to the Mechanics Institute Hall will commence soon.

Trentham Mechanics Institute

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Elizabeth Atkin, Project Manager