Sustainable Hepburn Strategy 2022-2026

Sustainable Hepburn 2022-26 is the Hepburn Shire Council’s new environmental sustainability strategy acknowledging the interconnected nature of climate change, biodiversity and waste management. The strategy updates Council’s commitment to further reduce our corporate greenhouse gas emissions, protect and enhance our local biodiversity, transition to a low waste Shire and become more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Sustainable Hepburn includes actions for council to reduce impact on its own operations as well as actions to assist the community. Read the Draft Strategy located in the Document Library on this project page.

Sustainability - The top community priority

We heard how important environmental sustainability is to you, our community, during the Hepburn Together Community Visioning process, community engagement while developing Sustainable Hepburn and from the Sustainable Hepburn Community Reference Group who have helped to create this strategy.

“Think Global - Act Local”, accurately reflects the intent of this strategy. Thriving, safe, just, and prosperous local communities, living within planetary boundaries, is at the heart of Sustainable Hepburn. Together in partnership, we believe we can make a difference.

Hepburn Shire Council is proud of the achievements made towards environmental sustainability across the Shire - in the community, in partnership with other agencies and at Council. Sustainable Hepburn builds on efforts to date and updates three major Council strategies which have now expired:

The four themes of the Sustainable Hepburn strategy are:

  • Beyond zero emissions
  • Natural environment and biodiversity
  • Low waste
  • Climate resilience