'No Barrier' Positive Ageing Strategy 2022-2030

At the meeting on Tuesday 16 August, Council adopted the ‘No Barrier’ Positive Ageing Strategy 2022 – 2030.

Hepburn Shire has a higher proportion of people over the age of 55 years compared to the Victorian average and is following the international trend of a rapidly growing ageing population.

Based on the World Health Organisation's Age-friendly Cities Framework and the Commissioner for Senior Victorian's report Ageing Well in a Changing World, the Hepburn Shire's Positive Ageing Strategy will respond to feedback from the community and service providers. The strategy will set the direction for Council in its response to it ageing population and guide the provision of services and resources to its residents so that they can 'age well' in an 'age-friendly' community.

What does it mean to age well?

The report by the Commissioner for Senior Victorians identified eight key attributes of ageing well. We have listed these below. Our engagement with the community is based on these attributes giving us baseline and vital data to both create actions and partnerships to address community need and measure our progress towards and age-friendly community.

  • A positive attitude to ageing, enjoying life and having fun
  • able to deal with life changes, such as loss and grief
  • realistic expectations about abilities and limitations
  • accepting that help with daily living may be needed one day
  • able to deal with a shrinking social circle as you age
  • Find meaningful social roles and continue to contribute to society
  • Be recognised and acknowledged as capable and able to contribute
  • Be able to access employment, volunteering, lifelong learning and other opportunities
  • Have personal independence and autonomy in decision making
  • Key wishes and aspirations for living are understood and acknowledged
  • Valued in society as a respected member of the community
  • Have a voice and the opportunity to be heard
  • Work together across the generations and within community
  • Tolerant of others and receive respect from others, including government, younger people and businesses
  • Not subject to ageism, stigmatised, ignored or denied services because you are old
  • Respect for personal identity, culture, gender and diversity
  • Have fulfilling and sustaining social connections and personal relationships
  • Able to participate in meaningful activities related to interests, including lifelong learning
  • Able to build good social networks, relationships and supports
  • Have places to meet and connect with other people
  • Able to meet with people from the same cultural backgrounds, as well as people from diverse backgrounds
  • Able to maintain family relationships and friendships
  • Obtain support for risks such as elder abuse
  • Not left behind in our changing world
  • Know what is available to assist as needs change and increase
  • Able to obtain information when needed
  • Have opportunities to develop technology skills and knowledge, and to access technology
  • Provided with alternatives to online platforms for information and services.
  • Have the right housing at the right time, in the right place
  • Able to age in place with the right supports, including for falls prevention
  • Able to supplement income through work
  • Able to afford accommodation and utilities costs
  • Have access to a wide range of discounts for seniors
  • Feel safe at home and in the community, including at night
  • Have the right support to manage family and relationship stress and prevent elder abuse
  • Able to access free and low cost local social participation activities
  • Able to undertake life planning and have decisions respected and supported
  • Able to take personal responsibility for healthy ageing and wellbeing
  • Able to access services and support when needed
  • Actively plan to manage health conditions
  • Exercise for both mind and body
  • Maintain good nutrition and a healthy diet
  • Have access to health, wellbeing and sporting facilities
  • Have the knowledge and information to access support and services, particularly mental health services
  • Have health needs, including mental health needs, recognised and responded to
  • Have access to cost-effective local community transport services, particularly after giving up a driver’s licence
  • Have access to parking and safe carparks, including prioritised parking for seniors, carers and disability
  • Be in a built environment that is age-friendly, for example, has pedestrian crossings and footpaths and accessible for those using walking aids