Habitat Restoration, Trent Creek, Trentham

The Council, in collaboration with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and Coliban Water, is actively engaged in the eradication of Weeds of National Significance to enhance the habitat and aesthetics of waterways in Trentham. The removal of blackberry, willow, and other invasive weeds will create room for planting and natural resurgence of indigenous wetland flora. In June, contractors removed invasive trees along 450 m of Trent Creek upstream of High Street, preparing the way for later replanting.

This initiative is financed by the North Central CMA and Coliban Water and supervised by Council personnel. Subsequent efforts in 2024 to 2026 will focus on waterways within reserves administered by the Council, DEECA, and three local community groups. Planting of over 6000 trees, shrubs and grasses and weed control will expand earlier works and help establish native habitat

The Bright-eyed Brown Butterfly, a rare wetland-dependent species, serves as the emblematic species for this project, having shown positive reactions to community-driven restoration activities along the Stony and Trent creeks in recent years.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project? Contact us below:

Brian Bainbridge (HSC)

Phone: 0437 048 648

email: bbainbridge@hepburn.vic.gov.au

Bright Eyed Brown Butterfly