Project overview

The existing community pavilion at Glenlyon Recreation Reserve will be redeveloped or replaced to include a small multipurpose function area, kitchen facilities for low-level catering, small office space, internal and external accessed accessible public amenities and storage facilities. The redeveloped or replaced pavilion will recognise the heritage significance of the building. The project is being delivered through a partnership between the Australian Federal Government and Hepburn Shire Council.


The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve includes the Glenlyon Racecourse and covers an area of approximately 50 acres and has a Heritage Overlay of Local Significance. The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve includes a pavilion, sports oval with synthetic cricket wicket, cricket training net, playground, barbeque and picnic facilities, public toilet amenities, walking and riding tracks and trails, equestrian cross-country course, equestrian arena, wood chopping area, camping grounds and shooting range with supporting infrastructure.

The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve primarily accommodates:

  • equestrian, field and game and wood chopping activities,
  • informal sport and active recreation opportunities such as walking and running, dog walking, cricket training, playground use and free ball play,
  • community events and camping.

Recommendation 30 of the Masterplan recommended to replace or redevelop the existing pavilion in line with Heritage Overlay. The new or redeveloped pavilion to include a small multipurpose function area, kitchen facilities for low-level catering, small office space, internal and external accessed accessible public amenities and storage facilities.

The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan was adopted by Council at the April 2024 meeting. The resolution that was passed at the meeting included: That the new pavilion is located on the site of the old pavilion and could include renovation and/or replacement.

Based on this resolution, officers have engaged a project architect and subconsultant team to commence the design documentation. As part of the typical project commencement activities, the architect and sub-consultant team have made site visits to the reserve, inspected the existing pavilion and held meetings to discuss project objectives and constraints and reviewed available information.

Officers and the appointed project team commenced work on the design of a new pavilion at Glenlyon Recreation Reserve on the site of the existing pavilion. An initial step in the design process was to complete a Bushfire Hazard Identification Assessment. The progress that officers and the project consultants have made in the design of the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Community Pavilion was presented to the September Council meeting. The following resolution was made;

That Council:

  • Notes the progress that officers and the project consultants have made in the design of the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Community Pavilion;
  • Notes that further investigation and community consultation needs to be done before any decision can be made about the siting of a new pavilion at either the current or a new site;
  • Requests officers ensure they obtain adequate expert advice to assist in the design, including Bushfire Hazard Assessments;
  • Establishes a Project Advisory Group (similar to the Daylesford Community Facilities PAG) to consult on this project including representation from relevant stakeholder / user groups and the wider community;
  • Consults with the Project Advisory Group on the future of the existing pavilion; and,
  • Requires a further decision by Council to determine whether to progress with a new pavilion, other facility options, and at which locations.

Council meeting minutes can be found at this link Agendas and minutes Hepburn Shire Council

How to participate

Opportunity to be involved in the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment Project Advisory Group (PAG)

We are seeking a diverse mix of the Glenlyon community to form a Project Advisory Group that will work with Council to:

  • Consult on the future of the existing pavilion;
  • Advise on whether to progress with a new pavilion, other facility options, and at which locations.

The Project Advisory Group (PAG) is a reference group and not a decision-making body.

Please read the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment Project Advisory Group - Terms of Reference prior to submitting an Expression of Interest.

Expressions of Interest are required to be submitted by Tuesday 10 December, 5pm.

Please complete the Expression of Interest (EOI Form) via the link below or via the attached Expression of Interest document and email to or drop into a Council Customer Service Centre.

Next steps

Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment Project Advisory Group membership will be considered at the February 2025 Council Meeting.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Gary Learmonth - Sport & Recreation Project Officer