Project overview

Council has developed a Masterplan to inform a long-term vision for the future planning and enhancement of the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve.

The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve includes the Glenlyon Racecourse and Glenlyon Mineral Spring and covers an area of approximately 50 acres. The Reserve has a Heritage Overlay of Local Significance. The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve includes a pavilion, sports oval with synthetic cricket wicket, cricket training net, playground, barbeque and picnic facilities, public toilet amenities, walking and riding tracks and trails, equestrian cross-country course, equestrian arena, wood chopping area, camping grounds and shooting range with supporting infrastructure. The State Governments Victorian Mineral Springs Strategic Masterplan provides the direction on the ongoing management, sustainability, opportunities and priorities for the Glenlyon Mineral Spring.

In 2019 Council engaged a consultant to develop the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan and a working draft Masterplan was developed after undertaking the initial community engagement phase of the project.

In early 2020 the Masterplan project was paused to undertake an investigation of land contamination at the reserve. This matter has been resolved enabling the Masterplan development to recommence.

Across October to December 2022 community engagement was undertaken to gather insights and feedback on the themes of the working draft Masterplan to determine if community or stakeholder priorities had changed since 2019. Engagement activities in this phase of community engagement included key stakeholder meetings, community drop-in sessions, phone calls, email submissions, a community survey and council workshops. The engagement findings identified during this phase of engagement are summarised in the attached Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan Engagement Report Summary - February 2023.

Update - April 2024

The Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan Report was adopted at the April 2024 Council Meeting. The minutes of the April 2024 Council meeting can be viewed on the Hepburn Shire website Agendas and minutes Hepburn Shire Council. The Masterplan includes a total of 47 recommendations with an initial estimated cost of $4,721,312 + GST. Amendments have been made to the Masterplan to reflect the outcomes of Council’s Resolution in consideration of adopting the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan including that the proposed new pavilion will be developed or renovated on the site of the exiting pavilion.

Council acknowledges the community members, key stakeholders and community organisations who have been involved in the development of the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan.

The adopted Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan can be found on this page or on the Hepburn Shire Website.

Update - October 2023

Following the recent public exhibition period of the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan, the masterplan requires some further work to be carried out, including more detailed investigation to confirm the pavilion location, an update and review some of the costings and to develop more detailed masterplan documentation as part of its finalisation.

This work is currently being undertaken and it is anticipated that the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan will be presented to Councillors in early 2024 for consideration of adoption.

Draft Masterplan

Council invited community feedback on the draft Masterplan, which included a survey and community drop-in session. This engagement closed in July 2023.

Visit the Document Library section to review the draft Masterplan.

Community feedback will inform the final Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan. Council will consider the masterplan for adoption in coming months.

A significant challenge for Council in determining the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan is the affordability to implement the proposed Masterplan actions. This includes the ability to attract sufficient capital funding.

The proposed 45 recommended actions of the draft Masterplan are to be implemented in a staged approach over a 10-year period, subject to achieving funding. Council has a budget allocation of $150,000 to progress the development of the Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Pavilion to prepare the required design package. However, Council does not have money allocated in the current budget, nor set aside in the Long-Term Financial Plan for the remaining proposed recommendations. The works would need to be prioritised with other Council expenditure.

Should the draft Masterplan be endorsed by Council, further scoping work would need to be undertaken as part of the masterplan implementation. This work would identify the associated detailed design and capital costs which would need to be further considered by Council at the appropriate time. As part of this process Council would actively seek funding opportunities from external partners and stakeholders.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the draft masterplan. Your input is highly appreciated, and it will assist us in refining the masterplan to better serve the intended objectives and stakeholders.

Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information requested on this Glenlyon Recreation Reserve Masterplan survey is being collected for the purpose of development of the masterplan or any other directly related purpose. It will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. If you wish to alter any of the personal information you have supplied, please contact Council via telephone (03) 5321 2306 or email

More information is available on our website or from Council’s Privacy Officer (Manager Governance and Risk).