Community Engagement Period

The Daylesford Community Facility project is being delivered through our project management framework which includes rigorous project governance, community engagement, and transparency. It has also included the establishment of a community-based Project Advisory Group.

This project continues the long-term planning to attract external funding for important community facilities.

The community are invited to share their feedback on the schematic designs for the Daylesford Community Facilities project. The engagement period will commence on Monday 10 March and conclude on Sunday 13 April.

Daylesford Community Facilities - Project Summary - Word document

Daylesford Community Facilities - Project Summary - PDF

Daylesford Community Facilities - Schematic Design Floorplans

Daylesford Community Facilities - Schematic Design Artistic Renders - Focus Area One

Daylesford Community Facilities - Schematic Design Artistic Renders - Focus Area Two

Daylesford Community Facilities - Schematic Design Artistic Renders - Focus Area Three

Feedback can be submitted via the survey which has a series of questions related to different areas of the facility. The survey can be completed online via the link below or hardcopy versions are available from our libraries and customer experience hubs. Hardcopies of the floorplans and artistic renders can also be requested at our libraries and customer experience hubs.

During the engagement period, the following opportunities are available to come and discuss the designs in-person with Council Officers and members of the Project Advisory Group. If you require assistance to access one of these drop-in sessions, please contact the project manager, Lizzy Atkin on 0409 673 140 or

  • Drop-in session one: Thursday 20 March 4–6 pm at Council Offices 24 Vincent Street, Daylesford
  • Drop-in session two: Thursday 27 March 4–6 pm at Coles Supermarket, Daylesford (This session is combined with Council’s Listening Post).
  • Drop-in session three: Thursday 3 April 4–6 pm at Council Offices 24 Vincent St, Daylesford

Any questions? View our Frequently Asked Questions at the end of this page.

Can’t see an answer to your question? Come along to one of our drop-in sessions, view the FAQs or email the project manager, Lizzy Atkin on

Please note, feedback must be submitted via the community feedback survey.

February 2025

The schematic design for the Daylesford Community Facilities project has been developed to a level that is ready to be shared with the broader community for feedback. An engagement period will commence on Monday 10 March and conclude on Sunday 13 April. During this time, schematic level floorplans and artistic renders of the different spaces will be available to view.

Over the past three months, Councillor Officers that would either work in the future facility or would support community members using the facility have been involved in an internal consultation period. These officers have provided valuable insight into ways we can shape the design to best meet their ways of working and the needs of the community.

Some drop-in sessions are being scheduled if you would like to discuss the project with Council officers or members of the PAG. Keep an eye on Council’s social media channels, this Participate Hepburn website page or in any of our customer service centres or libraries for information about these sessions and other ways in which you can have your say.

November 2024 Update

The Project Advisory Group (PAG) have now met on six occasions to progress the project through a feasibility stage into the schematic design stage. The feasibility stage investigated if it was possible to house the library and multipurpose functions on the Town Hall site. The project architect, k20 produced various concepts that were able to demonstrate the feasibility of locating the library and multipurpose functions on the Town Hall site.

At the September Ordinary Council Meeting, Councillors resolved to accept the feasibility stage and progress the project to the schematic design phase. Councillors also resolved to allow some encroachment onto the Daylesford pool site to achieve a more optimal design, provided it does not compromise the current and future use of the Daylesford pool site.

Officers, the project architect and the PAG will continue developing the schematic design ahead of a community engagement period anticipated to begin in March 2025.

Future options for Daylesford Town Hall

Council has begun a project to assess the feasibility of maximising the community use of the Town Hall site, with an option to consolidate and upgrade the building so it could become more of a community hub. The site includes the town hall, office accommodation and Senior Citizens' room (not the Daylesford pool).

The investigation would assess whether Daylesford Town Hall could be refurbished to include a library along with multi-purpose community spaces to cater for meetings, functions, performances and events.

Such a project would require many stages. These include (but are not limited to) architectural advice on the suitability of the site, community input, feasibility designs, concept designs, detailed designs and of course, funding.

Council has appointed k20 Architecture as the lead architect for the project after undertaking a detailed tender process. k20 Architecture are public project specialists, with strong experience in heritage, library, community hub and performing arts projects. Their experience is strong in engagement, sustainable design and heritage buildings.

The roofing and electrical works at Daylesford Town Hall are necessary to ensure the structural integrity of the building. The works are required regardless of any changes to the future use of the building.

Project Advisory Group

After undertaking an expression of interest process, Council is pleased to appoint seven members to the advisory group. Council was pleased to receive a significant number of submissions. Advisory group membership includes Adam Fawcett, Joanne Tsakoumagos, John King, Louise Johnson, Matt Johnson, Sarah Bibby and Sarah Lang.

Advisory group membership reflects the diversity of the community. PAG members have a diverse range of knowledge, skills, experiences and community connections which will benefit the project.

The advisory group will assist project delivery by representing community needs through the design process as well as helping plan the broader community engagement stages of the project.

Temporary closure of Daylesford Town Hall

The iconic Daylesford Town Hall will be closed for essential electrical and roofing works for at least 18 months from September 2024. Priority works to protect the significant heritage building include repairs to the roof, parapets and chimneys, with electrical upgrades to commence once the roof is replaced.

Council will work with regular users of the building to help identify alternative venues while the building is closed. While the essential works are underway, the Council Chambers and Council staff who work in the Town Hall will relocate to 24 Vincent Street, Daylesford.

Read our media release from 28 February 2024 announcing this closure.

Stay in touch

Community consultation has regularly highlighted the community’s strong connection to and importance of the Daylesford Town Hall. We encourage you to stay in touch with Council on this and other local matters. Follow us on Facebook , subscribe to our Hepburn Life enewsletter, visit our website, and keep an eye out for advertisements in local media.

Photos of the Daylesford Town Hall