Have your say

We are now seeking community feedback on whether the pedestrian crossing should be a permanent safety treatment. If there is strong support from the community for the pedestrian crossing, we will look at options for upgrading to a permanent solution in future budgets. If there is little support for the pedestrian crossing, the area returns its previous layout with no affect to area. Community feedback will also be used to plan the long-term future of Fraser Street.

Project overview

Council is developing the next stages of the Clunes Streetscape project. After calls from the community for a safer pedestrian crossing in the township and a review of the intersection of Fraser and Service Streets in Clunes, we will be installing pedestrian outstands as a trial safety measure. The “pin down” islands will form refuge points for pedestrians crossing the road and will reduce the open crossing length from the current 22 metres to around 11 metres. A lighting upgrade of new streetlights at the pedestrian crossing (supermarket and creek side of the intersection) will improve visibility. Some temporary landscaping improvements will also be done.

The project aims to:

  • Boost pedestrian connections.
  • Improve pedestrian and road safety while being sympathetic to the heritage overlays and history of the area.

  • The fully removable islands made from recycled rubber are quick to install and will be in place for a trial period (until 4 August 2024). Community feedback will help to determine whether a permanent solution is required.

    Council is proposing a multistage process:

    Stage 1 - Installation of outstands on Wednesday 8 May.

    Stage 2 - Have your say – we will be calling for community feedback in July on the effectiveness of the crossing.

    Stage 3 - Review and report.

    Stage 4 - We will progress the project dependent on the outcome of community feedback.

    Image of the intersection

    Treatments in other historic townships - Maldon and Beechworth

    Next steps

    Community feedback will be reviewed and Council will report back on the outcome.