The Calembeen Park Change Facilities Project is now complete.
The park upgrades included refurbishment of the public amenities block with three accessible unisex changerooms including toilet, shower and baby change facilities; an accessible footpath, accessible car parking space, drinking fountain, park furniture renewal and landscaping.
This project was funded in partnership by Council and the Victorian Government.
Upgrades will also be made to outdoor furniture including the picnic tables around the BBQ area, the seating along the path and a picnic table near the toddler's pool.
Access will remain to other areas of Calembeen Park while the works are carried out, and a temporary toilet facility will be in place for public use.
This project will be co-funded with the Victorian Government's Local Sports Infrastructure Fund and Hepburn Shire Council.
A tender was recently granted to 4Front Construction to complete the works.
Project completion is anticipated by November 2022.
Calembeen Park - Cushing Avenue, Creswick