Project overview

In April 2022, Council adopted the Hepburn Shire Council Aquatics Strategy. The strategy has provided a 10-year priority plan that will guide the future strategic direction, infrastructure development priorities, and asset management planning. It will also maximise participation and programming opportunities to improve the health, wellbeing, and liveability outcomes for the communities of Hepburn Shire.

A key outcome from the Aquatics Strategy was the identified need for access to indoor all year-round aquatics provision to support the needs of Hepburn Shire residents.

We have recently engaged Consultants Solucio to work with Council to develop the Hepburn Shire Indoor Aquatics Provision Feasibility Study and Business Case to understand Council’s ability to fund and operate future indoor aquatics provision opportunities.

Project Update – September 2024

A report providing an update on the progress of the Hepburn Shire Indoor Aquatics Provision Feasibility Study and Business Case project was considered at the 16 September 2024, Ordinary Council Meeting. The following resolution was adopted:

That Council:

  1. Acknowledges that there have been delays in the progress of the project and notes the progress made on the development of the Indoor Aquatics Provision Feasibility Study and Business Case;
  2. Notes that further consideration to establish a position on future indoor aquatics provision within the Hepburn Shire be deferred to early 2025 and discussions will continue into the next Councillor term;
  3. Acknowledges the involvement to date, of community members, key stakeholders and community organisations in the development of the Indoor Aquatics Provision Feasibility Study and Business Case;
  4. Notes that officers will engage with key stakeholders and community organisations to advise of Council’s decision; and,
  5. Prepares the necessary data by March 2025 to be able to consider in the next budget and next council plan an action and timeline for the future of the existing pools.

We will continue to work on the development of the Feasibility Study and Business Case and incorporate the additional information required for further consideration.

Phase 1 Community Engagement

The purpose of Phase 1 community engagement for this project is to further explore and expand on the community feedback gathered to develop the Hepburn Shire Aquatics Strategy.

We are focussing on filling the information gaps and seeking community input into the development of the Hepburn Shire Indoor Aquatics Provision Feasibility and Business Case.

To support gathering more information we asked for feedback via a survey. This survey has now closed.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to let us know your views.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Council’s Sport and Active Recreation Team via email

Contact us

If you have questions or want to learn more about this project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Council's Sport and Active Recreation Team
Phone (03) 5321 6483