What is happening now?

The process to transition services seamlessly to the new providers has been completed. Council worked closely with clients, staff, the new providers and both the State and Commonwealth Government to achieve this.

HACC PYP services are now delivered by Mecwacare from 1 July 2022.

CHSP services are now delivered by Benetas from 1 July 2022.

Who is mecwacare?

mecwacare is a not-for-profit, non-denominational charitable organisation that has been caring for the community since 1959. They provide residential, community and in-home nursing care and support services for people who are aged and people who are living with a disability.

mecwacare support more than 20,000 people across Victoria through a highly integrated service network operated by more than 2,000 employees and 500 volunteers. Their staff are culturally and linguistically diverse, representing 89 nationalities and speaking 100 languages to match the needs of clients.

Who is Benetas?

Benetas is a leading not-for-profit aged care provider with a mission to provide older Victorians, their families, and carers with a full range of quality community-based services such as home care, and in-home nursing; respite services; residential care and retirement living communities across Melbourne and regional Victoria.

They are committed to giving back and contribute a social dividend which sees any profit reinvested into growing and expanding services and initiatives. This includes a dedicated research and advocacy agenda, representing all Victorians, in establishing a better aged system for now and well into the future.

What is HACC PYP?

HACC PYP is a Victorian Government program targeting people, aged under 65 (or under 50 for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people), who need some support, to remain safely living at home and to access the community, because they have trouble in performing activities of daily living.

HACC PYP services focus on maintaining or regaining independence and are not always an ongoing service. The services are aimed at enabling ongoing community access and connectedness and provide much needed support for carers.

Eligibility for services is determined during an assessment with an Assessment Officer.

What is CHSP?

CHSP is a Commonwealth Government Program that helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home. This program targets people who are:

65 years or older (50 years or older for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people), or

50 years or older (45 years or older for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) and on a low income, homeless, or at risk of being homeless.

Eligibility for this program is based on support needs and age.

What is Council’s ongoing role in positive ageing and disability access and inclusion?

Council will continue to play an important to support positive ageing for our community, including developing a positive ageing strategy, supporting older adults through actions in our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and delivering a range of programs.

Council will also continue its role in supporting disability access and inclusion by working with our Disability Advisory Committee and by implementing the actions in our Disability Action Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

Council will also provide individual client advice and support and will assist in connecting our most vulnerable people to the service system.

Why did Council decide to withdraw from delivery of these services?

Council made the decision in response to continuing implementation of the Commonwealth aged care reforms.

The provision of a range of home support services for older people and people with a disability has been an important core business of Victorian local government for almost 40 years.

Council has a proud history in delivering services to many vulnerable members of its community, however significant and continuing aged care reforms have created a situation where Council was not able to continue this role into the future.

What are the effects of the aged care reforms?

There have been significant reforms in the aged and disability service industry including:

A need for government to find the most efficient and effective model of service to meet the very dramatic increase in demand for aged care and disability services

A commitment by government to introduce a standard national approach to the delivery of aged care and disability services

A shift to a model where the consumer controls their own care, including who will deliver it, when and where. These reforms highlight that Council’s current aged and disability service will be unable to adapt to meet these requirements without significant change and cost.

Who are my best contacts?

HACC-PYP Services


mecwacare Home Care Services Intake
1287 Malvern Road, Malvern VIC 3144
Ph (03) 8573 4980 / E intake@mecwacare.org.au


mecwacare Home Care Services Southwest Region

10 Drummond Street North
Ballarat VIC 3350

Ph (03) 5333 0900

CHSP Services


Daylesford Ph: (03) 5428 0650

If office is unattended this number will always be diverted to someone who will answer


Benetas Homecare Ph: (03) 8371 2130

Council - Positive Ageing

Eddie Wyman – Positive Ageing Officer

(03) 5348 2306


Council - Disability Access and Inclusion

Brett Dunlop – Inclusion Officer

(03) 5348 2306


Council - General

Kendall Sinclair

Manager Community and Economy
